Personal Computer World 2005 October
PWGen 1.4
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INI File
128 lines
' Configuration file for PWGen
' PWGen Copyright (c) 2002-04 by Christian Thoeing <c.thoeing@web.de>
' Explanations of the settings:
' Languages
' ---------
' obsolete, moved to language.txt.
' General
' -------
' Language
' Code of the selected language (-> language.txt).
' This version supports German/Deutsch (de) and French/Franτais (fr).
' Default is <blank> (English).
' WordList
' Here you can specify your favourite word list (see the sample
' wordlist_XXX.txt files). Note that your word list has to satisfy
' certain requirements in order to be accepted by PWGen:
' - it must contain at least 8192 words, each of them separated
' by a line-break
' - it must not contain duplicate and blank entries; PWGen will
' ignore those entries, as well as words longer than 10 characters
' If you leave this setting unspecified, PWGen will use its own internal
' word list (Diceware8k).
' Default is <blank>.
' PrefPasswSize
' Indicates your preferred password size.
' Minimum is 32, maximum 2048, default 72.
' RandStringType
' Indicates the type of random string displayed while collecting entropy
' (in Step II):
' 0 - disabled: don't show anything
' 1 - show random characters (e.g. "Cxt9RW1q")
' 2 - show random characters taken from a larger table (e.g. "F$2.-5e]")
' 3 - show random words (e.g. "hello knife city")
' 4 - show random words, but without spaces between the words
' (e.g. "policetrunkwaste")
' 5 - randomly choose a type (0 - 4); note that this also includes type
' #0: "don't show anything"!
' Default is 5.
' TrayIcon
' If this option is set to nonzero, PWGen will be visible as a tray
' icon in the taskbar. This can be useful as a "stand-alone" state which
' allows you to generate passwords whenever you need them and to securely
' clear the clipboard whenever it is necessary.
' Default is 1 (true).
' PrefCoding
' Indicates your preferred coding type:
' 0 - Hexadecimal
' 1 - Base64
' 2 - Passphrase
' PWGen will select the check box (in Step III) on startup.
' Default is 1 (Base64).
' Advanced
' --------
' (should only be changed by advanced users!)
' EntropySrcBIPB (formerly KeybDelayEntropyBIPB)
' Estimated amount of Bits of Information Per Bit derived from the
' natural (keyboard delay) entropy source. A value of 0.0 means that the
' source yields 0 bits of information per bit (the source is useless), 1.0
' means that the source yields 1 bit of information per bit (optimum).
' If you know the "eccentricity" e of the source, you can calculate the
' BIPB value:
' bits_of_info=-(0.5+e)*log_2(0.5+e) - (0.5-e)*log_2(0.5-e)
' Minimum is 0.01, maximum 1.0, default 0.5.
' (Note that PWGen generates 7-8 bits(!) -- depending on the quality of
' the timer -- of entropy per keystroke; if EntropySrcBIPB is set to
' 0.25, for example, the program obtains only 1.75-2.0 bits from the
' entropy source. If EntropySrcBIPB is 1.0, you will have PGP-like
' security [I wouldn't recommend this]. See random.c in PGP 2.6.3 for
' more details.)
' SysEntBitsOfInfo
' Estimated amount of bits of information in system entropy. If this value
' is set to 0, the entropy derived from your system (e.g. time, cursor
' position, memory status) is considered worthless, but will still be used.
' It is not recommended to use more than 48 bits.
' Minimum is 0, maximum 128, default 34.
' RandSeedFile
' Indicates if PWGen is to use a special file containing the contents of
' the random pool. This is no security risk; it is absolutely impossible
' to infer the last relevant state of the random pool from the randseed
' sequence. I highly recommend to enable this feature, because it can/will
' certainly improve the quality of your passwords.
' Default is 1 (true).
' RandSeedPath
' Where to store the seed for the random generator. You can specify a
' a path with or without a file name (e.g. "C:\Windows\Temp\" or
' "A:\myseed.dat"). Useful if you want to protect this valuable data.
' Be sure that you _always_ add a backslash ("\") to path names.
' Default is <blank> (i.e. PWGen creates a __randseed.bin in the directory
' of its executable file).
' SecurityMsg
' Activates (1) or deactivates (0) security messages.
' Default is 1 (true).
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------